Biological Statistics 101
Biological Statistics is often viewed as a way to tell researchers about the overall health of a plant or animal species. When most people think of Biology, they think of a Ph.D., but that’s just the start of what we’re after.
SAS online methods have been used for centuries. The establishment of the family of branches of Science as separate from other branches of Knowledge is sometimes regarded as a reaction to the religious roots of Science. In reality, the differences between these two are relatively small.
Statisticians do not believe in any kind of supernatural entity called God. However, it’s still possible to get some things done without the influence of God. This is evident in how Science has grown.
People have their own agenda and tend to overlook information that is inconvenient. They tend to think that the universe operates on a different level than them, so they become frustrated when they don’t get what they expect. When this happens, things get off track and things get changed or adjusted.
What people want to hear is always different. What is of interest to one person may be of no interest to another. When there is a change in consciousness, there will be changes in the kind of data that is collected. People may get along with each other but they will still tend to fight when conflicting opinions begin to surface.
Statistical methods will continue to grow and will continue to determine how the world of Science operates. It will become more accurate as we improve the tools that we use. The same can be said for the average student. The more tools we have, the better chance that our average students will get more out of their classes.
Techniques for analysis are constantly being developed and improved. The effects of such improvementscannot be ignored. If such techniques are constantly being improved, then such improvements should translate into greater proficiency in the average student.
Some people believe that improvements are too slow to be noticed by those who are trying to teach the next generation. In the same vein, some people believe that improvements are too large to be noticed by students. As a result, there are more people who are constantly trying to develop a technique. There are also more people who try to discover more about the effects of various techniques.
Despite such discoveries, some people will never be satisfied with the technique they find. They will continue to search for improvements, hoping that they will eventually find a technique that makes life easier for them. They will try to improve their technique so that it is even better than the one they currently have. It’s almost like a competition that goes on over again.
The question that remains, however, is whether or not statistical analysis can be utilized in this process. Will statistical analysis truly assist us in teaching the next generation of scientists? It can’t hurt, but it can’t make anything better.
The answer is in comparing the results of our work to his’s data. When you come to a place where you can accept the fact that we have to work with his data to get his results, then you will be in a better position to judge whether statistical analysis really is helpful in our role in teaching his next generation.
Now you know what biological statistics is all about. I hope that by learning about this topic, you will be more open to learning more about these techniques.